Intellij package org.testng does not exist Intellij package org.testng does not exist selenium selenium

Intellij package org.testng does not exist

After much pain and suffering I found this, where Erek Speed will remain a hero of mine for all time:!msg/mariocompetition/dUIPTghCZwc/PEYqu9BqBUYJ

So the steps are:

  1. File > Project Structure
  2. then click on Libraries on the left side-nav
  3. then the "+" button to add, then choose "from Maven"
  4. then type in org.testng and click the magnifying glass
  5. choose the version you want to use, then click "ok" and "Apply"

The steps are based on using IntelliJ IDEA Community version 2017.2.3

It was same case for me. This may help you.

Do following steps:

  1. Place your cusror on class name
  2. Alt + Enter
  3. Create Test
  4. In the Test Library input field. Please select TestNG. Press ok
  5. Go to code where you are getting unresolved. e.g. ("Assert".assertEquals)
  6. Press Alt + Enter
  7. Choose add dependency

All set. Cheers!!