Internet Explorer 11 does not close after Selenium Test Internet Explorer 11 does not close after Selenium Test selenium selenium

Internet Explorer 11 does not close after Selenium Test

As mentioned by @Sonny in the comments by you might need to kill the "iexplorer.exe" task

I have both in the pre-build events:

    taskkill /f /fi "pid gt 0" /im IEDriverServer.exe    taskkill /f /fi "pid gt 0" /im iexplore.exe

If we are not able to close the IE by webdriver commands and at this moment it becomes stopping stone, so why cant we take help from language may be Java from my side to close it.

  try {Runtime.getRuntime().exec("taskkill /F /IM IEDriverServer.exe");} catch (IOException e) {e.printStackTrace();}

Known that good to close browser by driver command but till it get works i hope we can try above. see this

Thank You,Murali