Internet Explorer 8 64bit and Selenium Not working Internet Explorer 8 64bit and Selenium Not working selenium selenium

Internet Explorer 8 64bit and Selenium Not working

I had a similar problem on Vista and IE8I would get the same error message

Couldn't open app window; is the pop-up blocker enabled?"

Running my remote control as Admin wasn't an option for me, and also a poor idea from a security perspective. So in the end I manage to solved this by changeing browser from "*ietha" to "*iexploreproxy"grid_configuration.yml

hub:  port: 4444    ...    - name: "Internet Explorer 8 on Vista"      browser: "*iexploreproxy"    ...

Alternatively, you can change browser string from the code:

ISelenium selenium = new DefaultSelenium("localhost", 4444, "*iexploreproxy", "");

Works like a charm. The only question remaing is if this somehow affects the outcome of the test cases. So far no, but I'll update this answer in case that would happen.

I ran into this on Windows 7 64bit.

My solution was:

  1. Disable popup block. - Select "Tools/Popup Blocker/Turn off pop-up blocker"

  2. Disable IE protected mode. - Untick "Tools/Internet Options/Security/Enable protected mode"

It'd be better just to disable protected modes for known trusted hosts/addresses. I'll leave that as an exercise for the reader.

I was experiencing the same problem. I ran the Selenium RC server as an administrator and everything worked fine.