Is it possible to get_attribute() from several elements with the same name? Is it possible to get_attribute() from several elements with the same name? selenium selenium

Is it possible to get_attribute() from several elements with the same name?

you can use xpath:

listOfLi = driver.find_elements_by_xpath("//li[class='test class']")

or css selector:

listOfLi = driver.find_elements_by_css_selector(".test.class")

you can access each li element by indexing them one by one:

for eachLiElement in listOfLi:    string = eachLiElement.get_attribute("id")

string will give you each element's id.

If you only want to get the second id, you can do it by

secondId = listOfLi[1].get_attribute("id")

secondId will have 222-22-222

Using get_attribute() to extract the value of the id attributes of all the <li> tags you can use the following solution:

print([my_element.get_attribute("id") for my_element in driver.find_elements_by_css_selector('li.test.class')])