Manipulating browser (window) size using Splinter Manipulating browser (window) size using Splinter selenium selenium

Manipulating browser (window) size using Splinter

Just do this:

browser.driver.set_window_size(640, 480)

The Splinter API doesn't seem to directly support this - or at least not yet. The generic API docs, as well as the docs for each specific browser's driver, currently make no mention of anything related to window size). However, a seemingly undocumented feature is that you're able to access the underlying Selenium webdriver instance of a Splinter webdriver instance through its .driver property:

>>> from splinter import Browser>>> browser = Browser()>>> browser<splinter.driver.webdriver.firefox.WebDriver object at 0x7fac66d93a10>>>> browser.driver<selenium.webdriver.firefox.webdriver.WebDriver object at 0x1fbf3d0>

This allows us to use any Selenium features that don't have wrappers in the Splinter API, like resizing the browser with the set_window_size method.