Maximum call stack size exceeded when trying to access highcharts via selenium Maximum call stack size exceeded when trying to access highcharts via selenium selenium selenium

Maximum call stack size exceeded when trying to access highcharts via selenium

So essentially how I got around this was simply reducing the amount of data returned from execute_script by using the reduce function on data array Highcharts was returning.

driver.execute_script <<-js  return Highcharts           .charts[0]           .series[0]           .data           .map(function (data) { return data.y })js

Ruby 1.9.x and later use a VM that has its own stack. In Ruby 2.0.0 and later, the size of the VM stack can be controlled via the RUBY_THREAD_VM_STACK_SIZE environment variable.

To set the environment variable, go to System property -> Advance tab -> Environment Variable.

ReferenceHow to increase stack size for a ruby app. Recursive app getting: Stack level too deep (SystemStackError)