Mockito: wait for an invocation that matches arguments Mockito: wait for an invocation that matches arguments selenium selenium

Mockito: wait for an invocation that matches arguments

If you are able to set a fixed number of calls to expect, it can be done with an ArgumentCaptor:

import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.hasItem;@Captor ArgumentCaptor<String> arg;@Beforepublic void setUp() throws Exception {    // init the @Captor    initMocks(this);}@Testpublic void testWithTimeoutCallOrderDoesntMatter() throws Exception {    // there must be exactly 99 calls    verify(myMock, timeout(5000).times(99)).myMethod(arg.capture());    assertThat(arg.getAllValues(), hasItem("expectedArg"));}

Another way is to specify all the expected values to verify, but those need to be provided in the exact order that they are invoked. The difference to the above solution is that this doesn't fail even if the mock is additionally called with some non-verified arguments. In other words, no need to know the number of total invocations. Code example:

@Testpublic void testWithTimeoutFollowingCallsDoNotMatter() throws Exception {    // the order until expected arg is specific    verify(callback, timeout(5000)).call("firstExpectedArg");    verify(callback, timeout(5000)).call("expectedArg");    // no need to tell more, if additional calls come after the expected arg    // verify(callback, timeout(5000)).call("randomArg");}

This is not a super clean solution but you can do this (XX is the supposed return type here):

final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);doReturn(new Answer<XX>()    {        @Override        public XX answer(InvocationOnMock invocation)        {            latch.countDown();            return someInstanceOfXX;        }    }).when(myMock).myMethod("expectedArg");

Then, to test if the method is called, do:

try {    assertTrue(latch.await(5L, TimeUnit.SECONDS));} catch (InterruptedException e) {    // Urgh... Failed. Deal with it and:    Thread.currentThread.interrupt();}