Need to get href from HTML through section id Need to get href from HTML through section id selenium selenium

Need to get href from HTML through section id

As far as i understood your question. you want to extract all the links from the mentioned section.

Use below code and let me know if further queries.

WebElement section  = driver.findElement("product-page"));List<WebElement> links = section.findElement(By.cssSelector(".breadcrumb a"));System.out.println("total links : " + links.size());for(int i=0 ; i<links.size(); i++){     System.out.println("Linktext : " + links.get(i).getText());     System.out.println("Link href : " + links.get(i).getAttribute("href"));}

To retrieve the href attribute which is /e-cigs-vaping-devices/logic-pro-vaporizer you can use the following solution:

  • xpath:

    System.out.println(driver.findElement(By.xpath("//section[@id='product-page']//ul[@class='breadcrumb']//a[contains(.,'Logic pro vaporizer')]")).getAttribute("href"));


You can create a custom function and call it whereever needed as follows:

  • Function :

    public void print_href(String productName){    System.out.println(driver.findElement(By.xpath("//section[@id='product-page']//ul[@class='breadcrumb']//a[contains(.='" + productName + "')]")).getAttribute("href"));}
  • Calling the function :

    print_href("Logic pro vaporizer")//orprint_href("E cigs vaping devices")