Pass BrowserMob Proxy to Sauce Labs - "The proxy server is refusing connections" Error Pass BrowserMob Proxy to Sauce Labs - "The proxy server is refusing connections" Error selenium selenium

Pass BrowserMob Proxy to Sauce Labs - "The proxy server is refusing connections" Error

I figured out the answer.

  • Start Sauce Connect, and pass proxy server information

    java -jar Sauce-Connect.jar myname xxxxxx -p localhost:9091

    Running the above command will pass all requests to localhost 9091 port, and you may use netcat to confirm.

    nc -l 9091
  • Run Java Client

    ProxyServer proxyServer = new ProxyServer(9091);proxyServer.start();    Proxy proxy = proxyServer.seleniumProxy();DesiredCapabilities capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.firefox();// DO NOT set proxy for RemoteWebDriver// capabilities.setCapability(CapabilityType.PROXY, proxy);capabilities.setCapability("version", "5");capabilities.setCapability("platform", Platform.XP);this.driver = new RemoteWebDriver(        new URL(""),        capabillities);

    The Java Client should starts a proxy at Port 9091. Unlike using FirefoxDriver directly, proxy should not be set in capabilities.

I could be wrong, but try a different port (like 9090). SauceConnect only proxies some ports for localhost as per the docs