Passing a firefox profile to remote webdriver firefox instance not working Passing a firefox profile to remote webdriver firefox instance not working selenium selenium

Passing a firefox profile to remote webdriver firefox instance not working

So this was either a bug with Selenium or Firefox that has been fixed. Problem is that is an integer, so I changed it 2 to int and it works

My call with Selenium 2.39.0 looks a little different than what's above. Note "browser_profile" as the key for the .Remote call, instead of "firefox_profile" used above.

    profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile()    profile.accept_untrusted_certs = True    executor = "https://" + \        self.env.getSeleniumHub()['ip'] + \        ":4444/wd/hub"    capabilities = self.env.getSeleniumCapabilities("firefox")    self.driver = webdriver.Remote(        browser_profile=profile,        desired_capabilities=capabilities,        command_executor=executor)    self.driver.implicitly_wait(10)