PHPUnit, Selenium Basic Test Fails with Fatal Error PHPUnit, Selenium Basic Test Fails with Fatal Error selenium selenium

PHPUnit, Selenium Basic Test Fails with Fatal Error

Just replace $message = $e->getComparisonFailure()->toString(); with $message = $e->getComparisonFailure()->exceptionToString;

It works fine for me

This problem relates to issue #66 on the PHPUnit-Selenium project on Github. I've made one commit that fixes this problem and one that fixes the "setCustomMessage()" problem which Matthew mentioned. I think both problems where introduced by one commit in PHPUnit 3.6

$message = $e->getComparisonFailure()->toString();

Where changed to

// ?: Is "comparison failure" set and therefore an object? (fixes issue #66)if(is_object($e->getComparisonFailure())) {    // -> Comparison failure is and object and should therefore have the toString method    $message = $e->getComparisonFailure()->toString();}else {    // -> Comparison failure is not an object. Lets use exception message instead    $message = $e->getMessage();}

And at the end of onNotSuccessfulTest():


Where changed to:

// ?: Does the setCustomMessage method exist on the exception object? (fixes issue #67)if(method_exists($e, 'setCustomMessage')) {    // -> Method setCustomMessage does exist on the object, this means we are using PHPUnit     //    between 3.4 and 3.6    $e->setCustomMessage($buffer);}else {    // -> Method setCustomerMessages does not exist on the object, must make a new exception to     //    add the new message (inc. current URL, screenshot path, etc)    $e = new PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException($buffer, $e->getComparisonFailure());}

Hopefully both changes will be accepted into the PHPUnit-Selenium project. At least it fixed the problems I where having with the latest updates for PHPUnit and PHPUnit-Selenium from PEAR.

I replaced $message = $e->getComparisonFailure()->toString(); to be:

if($e->getComparisonFailure() == NULL){    $message = $e;}else{    $message = $e->getComparisonFailure()->toString();}

I also reverted PHPUnit_Framework_ExpectationFailedException back to 3.5.3 so it has setCustomMessage()