Programmatically start a .NET Core web app for Selenium testing Programmatically start a .NET Core web app for Selenium testing selenium selenium

Programmatically start a .NET Core web app for Selenium testing

Turns that adding UseShellExecute to my StartInfo and setting it to false made it work:

var process = new Process{    StartInfo =    {        FileName = "dotnet",        Arguments = "run",        UseShellExecute = false,        WorkingDirectory = applicationPath    }};process.Start();

The default for UseShellExecute is true but it would be similar to running cmd dotnet run instead of dotnet run which is what I needed.

Try this

 ProcessStartInfo Startinfo = new ProcessStartInfo(); Startinfo.FileName = "D:\\TFS\\QA\\SH_LoadTest\\SH_LoadTest\\bin\\Debug\\SH_LoadTest.exe"; StartInfo.Arguments="Your Arguements";                Process pro = Process.Start(Startinfo);