(Protractor e2e) Getting error "A Jasmine Spec timed out: Resetting WebDriver Control Flow" (Protractor e2e) Getting error "A Jasmine Spec timed out: Resetting WebDriver Control Flow" selenium selenium

(Protractor e2e) Getting error "A Jasmine Spec timed out: Resetting WebDriver Control Flow"

refer to framework: 'jasmine2',

this to your protractor configi've been having the same issue for days! lemme know if it helps!

You can add this code to your config file conf.js or otherName.js

    // Options to be passed to Jasmine-nodeJasmineNodeOpts: {    onComplete: null,    // if true, print colors to the terminal    showColors: true,    // if true display spec Name    isVerbose: false,    silent: true,    // if true, include stack traces in failures    includeStackTrace: true,    // default time to wait in ms before a test fails    defaultTimeoutInterval: 30000,    print: function() {}},