Protractor error message "unsupported command-line flag" in Chrome? Protractor error message "unsupported command-line flag" in Chrome? selenium selenium

Protractor error message "unsupported command-line flag" in Chrome?

If you use Protractor, this is probably the configuration you're looking for:

capabilities : {    browserName : 'chrome',    'chromeOptions': {        args: ['--test-type']    }},

The flag --ignore-certificate-errors has been added to the "bad flags" list as of Chrome 35, since it reduces the browser's security. The flag still works regardless.

If you'd like to disable the "unsupported flag" prompt, add --test-type to the command-line flags you're using. This shouldn't affect the browser in any other noticeable way, but it's used for internal testing, so use it at your own risk.

For more info on adding command-line flags, see the Chromedriver capability docs.

System.setProperty("","<<your chrome path>>");    // To remove message "You are using an unsupported command-line flag: --ignore-certificate-errors.    // Stability and security will suffer."    // Add an argument 'test-type'    DesiredCapabilities capabilities =;    ChromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions();    options.addArguments("test-type");    capabilities.setCapability("chrome.binary","<<your chrome path>>");    capabilities.setCapability(ChromeOptions.CAPABILITY, options);    driver = new ChromeDriver(capabilities);

**This worked for me too here is the code **