Protractor fails in Firefox and IE browsers Protractor fails in Firefox and IE browsers selenium selenium

Protractor fails in Firefox and IE browsers

Your question is too generic to pinpoint the rootcause. But I will try to answer all common issues that might have caused your problem

  1. Update to new version of Protractor (use npm update protractor) - you are using 2.0.0 which is pretty old (protractor --version to check it after update). I am using 3.3.0. There is even more latest version - ProtractorI just tried your spec and its all working fine with FF-45

  2. Coming to IE, I am not sure if you have the IE driver already, if not run the below command

    webdriver-manager update --ie

Your script might fail in IE as it will throw a warning that 'Active X methods would be blocked' and may be you have to set the ignore option in IE settings before you run

You can try to start a standalone Selenium Server locally. You can look at here;

Your config file should be like this;

exports.config = {    seleniumServerJar: 'node_modules/protractor/selenium/selenium-server...',    specs: ['indexspecs.js'],    jasmineNodeOpts: {        showColors: true        defaultTimeoutInterval:30000    },    capabilities: {        //'browserName': 'internet explorer'        'browserName': 'firefox'    }};

You can download jar file from here