Protractor / Selenium XHR stays in status "pending" Protractor / Selenium XHR stays in status "pending" selenium selenium

Protractor / Selenium XHR stays in status "pending"

As a last resort, you can execute JS:

waitForAngular(function(browser, timeOut){    pendingReq = browser.executeScript("var injector = window.angular.element('body').injector(); var $http = injector.get('$http'); return ($http.pendingRequests.length === 0);"    if (timeOut >= 0){        timeOut -= 1;        if ( pendingReq ){            return        };        else {            waitForAngular(browser, timeOut)        };    };    else {    console.log("did not load in time");    };});

This is not a clean way to code but I have found it to help me with Angular App where Requests are still pending...

Hope you find this helpful!


The function above should work it may need some refactoring I did not test it...

Your test didn't execute on time. So, you can increase the timeout in protractor.conf.js file.

jasmineNodeOpts: {  ... /** * Default time to wait in ms before a test fails. */  defaultTimeoutInterval: 50000,  ...},

In the below link you can find various timeout arguments which you can configure in protractor.conf.js:

If this doesn't solve your problem, then mostly it's because of some plugins or third-party ads.
