protractor StaleElementReferenceError: Element is no longer attached to the DOM protractor StaleElementReferenceError: Element is no longer attached to the DOM selenium selenium

protractor StaleElementReferenceError: Element is no longer attached to the DOM

I suspect the error is being thrown because the DOM changes between the two calls to browser.wait. Instead of passing an elementPromise into browser.wait, you should pass in something more indirect. You could pass the locator directly:

var waitElementToBeShown = function (elmLoc) {  browser.wait(function () {    return element(elmLoc).isPresent();  },10000);  browser.wait(function () {    return element(elmLoc).isDisplayed();  },10000);}

But you don't always have a simple locator expression. Maybe pass in a function that looks up the element? That way the lookup will re-evaluate in each wait:

var waitElementToBeShown = function (elmFunc) {  browser.wait(function () {    return elmFunc().isPresent();  },10000);  browser.wait(function () {    return elmFunc().isDisplayed();  },10000);}

Then you can call it like:

waitElementToBeShown(function() {  return element(by.repeater('b in currentbookings').row(0)).element(by.cssContainingText('.tagPill', 'TestTag')));});

I'm not entirely confident in this answer, but it seems like it should work ...