Protractor: 'wait' doesn't work with "element.all" Protractor: 'wait' doesn't work with "element.all" selenium selenium

Protractor: 'wait' doesn't work with "element.all"

Make a custom Expected Condition to wait for count of elements in an array to be more than 0:

function presenceOfAll(elementArrayFinder) {    return function () {        return elementArrayFinder.count(function (count) {            return count > 0;        });    };}


browser.wait(presenceOfAll(category), 10000);browser.wait(presenceOfAll(category2), 10000);

Works for me.

element.all(by.repeater('category in listCtrl.categories')).get(0) will ALWAYS throw an error if there are no elements to 'get' (source: element.js ElementArrayFinder.prototype.get)

You can do:

browser.wait(function() {    return category.count().then(function(catCount) {        if (catCount > 0) {            return EC.visibilityOf(category.get(0));        }    }}, 20000);

Or you could probably just wait until all the elements are visible, and it would do what you are asking it to do (because it will wait for the 'all' promise to resolve completely anyway, not just break out when it gets the first one):

browser.wait(EC.visibilityOf(category), 20000);