pytest - is there a way to ignore an autouse fixture? pytest - is there a way to ignore an autouse fixture? selenium selenium

pytest - is there a way to ignore an autouse fixture?

----- UPDATE for latest versions of pytest-----use request.node.get_closest_marker() to get the marker. Refer get_closest_marker

You can achieve this in many ways , one way is to use the request fixture along with pytest mark fix.All you need to do is, create a new generic fixture

@pytest.fixture(autouse=True)def browser(request):    # _browser = request.node.get_marker('browser')    _browser = request.node.get_closest_marker('browser')    if _browser:       if _browser.kwargs.get("use") == "chrome" :            # Do chrome related setup       elif _browser.kwargs.get("use") == "phantom" :            # Do Phantom.js related setup   else:       # No mark up ,use default setup

and mark your tests like this

@pytest.mark.browser(use="chrome")def test_some_chrome_test():    # browser here would return chrome driver@pytest.mark.browser(use="phantom")def test_some_phantomjs_test():    # browser here would return phantom driver

There is way to use these function on demand without using usefixtures decorator like below.If you have used autouse=True then it would be automatically called as per its scope and I dont think there is a way to skip that in any of the test.

@pytest.fixture(autouse=False)def use_phantomjs(self):    self.wd = webdriver.PhantomJS()    yield    self.close_wd()def test_my_test(use_phantomjs): ... ...