Python : Regular expressions in xpaths using Selenium Python : Regular expressions in xpaths using Selenium selenium selenium

Python : Regular expressions in xpaths using Selenium

I will use contains:

//span[contains(text(),'PROVIDER_6') and contains(@class, 'value')]

I found solution here : link

def findTrunksByRegExp():    pattern = re.compile(r"PROVIDER_6\d{2}")    elements = browser.find_elements_by_xpath("//span[contains(@class, 'value')]")    for element in elements:        match = pattern.match(element.text)        if match:            parent = element.find_element_by_xpath('../../..')            print(parent.get_attribute("id"))

XPath 2.0 supports regex, but Selenium support XPath 1.0 only.

You can try this workaround to get required output

//span[string-length(substring-before(substring-after(.,'PROVIDER_6'), '_')) = 2 and contains(@class, 'value')]


  • substring-after(.,'PROVIDER_6') return substring after "PROVIDER_6" from nodes with text representation that starts with "PROVIDER_6":

    "PROVIDER_628_54678931" --> "28_54678931"

  • substring-before(<STRING>, '_') extracts substring before "_":

    "28_54678931" --> "28"

  • string-length(<STRING>) = 2 checks if string length exactly equal to 2:

    string length of "28" is equal to 2

So in your case XPath will "ignore" "PROVIDER_730_54678933" as it doesn't start with "PROVIDER_6" and "PROVIDER_6542_54678934" as string length of "542" is equal to 3, but not 2