Python + Selenium: Running tests in parallel Python + Selenium: Running tests in parallel selenium selenium

Python + Selenium: Running tests in parallel

I've also had trouble running Selenium tests in parallel under nose with both Windows and CentOS 7, and with both CPython 3.5.1 AND CPython 3.4.6.

I recommend you switch to pytest and run in parallel using pytest-xdist. A github repository demonstrating how to combine pytest, 'pytest-xdist, andselenium` is available at

The key considerations are making sure that an instance of Selenium Webdriver is specific to a process. My recommendation is to use threading.local for that, but my example does it instead by sharing only at the class level.

I also think there's a general need to provide a way for DevOps and developers to specify the parameters for creating the Selenium web driver based on environment variables or command-line options. See for one take on how to do that - they may also support multi-threading, but I am not sure. I don't endorse holmium's idea of page objects, however, and many selenium grids are home grown. See for another way to do this, this time with robotframework.

Note that nose development has been stopped, but I imagine it would work, at least on Linux, if you are using CPython 2.7.