Rails 4 Rspec expect{}.to change not registering despite test working as planned Rails 4 Rspec expect{}.to change not registering despite test working as planned selenium selenium

Rails 4 Rspec expect{}.to change not registering despite test working as planned

I've been struggling with the same issue. You wait logic might have flaws. I used this approach and it worked well for me.

Copypasted from this article - basically you need to create a helper:

# spec/support/wait_for_ajax.rbmodule WaitForAjax  def wait_for_ajax    Timeout.timeout(Capybara.default_max_wait_time) do      loop until finished_all_ajax_requests?    end  end  def finished_all_ajax_requests?    page.evaluate_script('jQuery.active').zero?  endendRSpec.configure do |config|  config.include WaitForAjax, type: :featureend

Include all support files automatically in your spec_helper.rb

spec/support/**/*.rb in our spec_helper.rb

or do it manually, like me:

#rails_helper.rbrequire_relative 'support/wait_for_ajax'

Now my test passes!

require 'rails_helper'RSpec.feature "Call Me Back contact front feature spec >", :type => :feature, js: true dofeature 'valid form' do  scenario "with name and phone" do    visit '/'    execute_script '$("#call-popup").fadeIn(300)'    fill_in 'call_me_back_request_name', with: 'Clark Kent'    fill_in 'call_me_back_request_phone', with: '1234445566'    within '#new_call_me_back_request' do      expect{        find("input[type='submit']").click        wait_for_ajax #<- the magic is here!      }.to change(Request, :count).by(1)    end  endend