Regex to store a word before and after in javascript Regex to store a word before and after in javascript selenium selenium

Regex to store a word before and after in javascript

This regex will get you the number just before of:

"1 - 7 of 8 items".match(/\d+(?=\s+of\s+)/)

I am not expert at regex but I tried.

var findings  = "1 - 8 of 8 items 1 - abc of ghi items".match(/\w+ of \w+/g);var collection = [];findings.forEach(function(item){    var words = item.split(' ');    collection.push({first: words[0], second: words[2]});});console.log(collection);

You could split the string at non-digits:

var ar = "1 - 8 of 8 items".split(/[^\d]+/)

which gives

Array [ "1", "8", "8", "" ]

Now you can compare the 2nd and 3rd element of the array

ar[1] == ar[2]