'rescue in rbuf_fill' when navigating to host [iPhoneDriver + Selenium Webdriver + Ruby] 'rescue in rbuf_fill' when navigating to host [iPhoneDriver + Selenium Webdriver + Ruby] selenium selenium

'rescue in rbuf_fill' when navigating to host [iPhoneDriver + Selenium Webdriver + Ruby]

This usually happens when there is some kind of network connectivity problems. Is is possible that your iphone is running too slowly to cope with the selenium script.So increase the timeout.

try this

client = Selenium::WebDriver::Remote::Http::Default.newclient.timeout = 180 # Increase the time if it takes longer to connect to the remote device driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :remote, :url => "http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:3001/wd/hub/", :desired_capabilities => :iphone, :http_client => client