RSelenium behind proxy RSelenium behind proxy selenium selenium

RSelenium behind proxy

You need to use extraCapabilities and set the proxy using the same

cprof <- list(chromeOptions =                   list(args = list("--proxy-server=")))driver<- rsDriver(browser=c("chrome"), extraCapabilities = cprof)driver$client$navigate("")

And you can see that chrome now uses the proxy config

Chrome proxy

I use RSelenium with Docker.

Here is mine option:

# connect to docker. # need to run in terminal (ctrl + alt + enter)docker run -d -p  4445:4444 selenium/standalone-chrome:3.5.3eCap <- list(chromeOptions =              list(args = list("--proxy-server=")))remDr <- remoteDriver(remoteServerAddr = "localhost",                  port = 4445L,                  browserName = "chrome",                  extraCapabilities = eCap)remDr$open()remDr$navigate("")remDr$screenshot(display = TRUE)

So i got this this

If you still have troubles try to switch to other proxy and/or reload Docker.

Hope this will be usefull.