Select a value from input combo box using Selenium using xpath for a reachjs control Select a value from input combo box using Selenium using xpath for a reachjs control selenium selenium

Select a value from input combo box using Selenium using xpath for a reachjs control

Please follow the below step to select your desired element

  1. Click on the down arrow of dropdown
  2. Select the desired option

Here is the code for same :



Use the below method to select the value dynamically based on text :

public void selectCombo(String valueText){    driver.findElement(By.xpath("//h3[contains(text(),'States')]/..//span[@class='Select-arrow']")).click();    WebElement dropdownValue = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[contains(text(),'"+valueText+"')]"));;}

Call this method from your code and pass the value which you want to select


new TestClass().selectCombo("Tasmania");

You can try with the xpath //*[@role="option" and text()='New South Wales']