Selenium and ckEditor Selenium and ckEditor selenium selenium

Selenium and ckEditor

Just for completing the anwser:I got it to work with:runScript("CKEDITOR.instances['InstanceName'].setData('<p>testContent</p>');")It did not work with the getEval command.

When I have had a to test against WYSIWYG editors I have had to build my own mechanism to work in the content area. Normally it involves having to set the inner HTML of object and then start using the page manipulators in the tool bars.

With Selenium 2 you will be able to send keystrokes in so that they work better and a lot easier.

Working in Selenium:

selenium.runScript("for(var i in CKEDITOR.instances) { var x = CKEDITOR.instances[i]; " + " x.setData('" + texto + "'); }");