Selenium can't find element by xpath Selenium can't find element by xpath selenium selenium

Selenium can't find element by xpath

Try as CSS Selectors :

By by = By.css('div[id^="highcharts"] g[class^="highcharts"] > g > rec')

g.class_name I used,as that <g> tags class name is not visible. Replace that class name with the proper class name.

I just wanted to give a slight update on this. It seems selenium can't see past the SVG tags, so with that being said, I need to find a method to see around them...I will report back if I'm able to find out how.

Thanks all!

From your discussion with Amey i deduced that you have only one highchart. so try directly searching for element "highcharts-tracker" using classname i.e By.ClassName("highcharts-tracker") and then hover on this element itself. This would exactly do what you want to achieve.