Selenium Chrome suppress/dismiss client certificate selection dialog Selenium Chrome suppress/dismiss client certificate selection dialog selenium selenium

Selenium Chrome suppress/dismiss client certificate selection dialog

I found a solution to this problem:You must use chrome parameter - AutoSelectCertificateForUrls

Add this to the windows registry:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Google\Chrome\AutoSelectCertificateForUrls\1 = "{"pattern":"","filter":{}}"

In linux you need this file set:


With this content:

{  "AutoSelectCertificateForUrls": [ "{\"pattern\":\"*\",\"filter\":{}}" ]}

With this set it should allow every installed client certificate automatically.

Detailed article about how to solve it in C# with Docker can be found in an article I wrote here:

Try to launch chrome using "--ignore-certificate-errors" and "--ignore-urlfetcher-cert-requests" arguments.

ChromeOptions opts = new ChromeOptions();opts.addArguments("ignore-certificate-errors","ignore-urlfetcher-cert-requests");WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(opts);driver.get("");System.out.println("Title:" + driver.getTitle());