Selenium headless not working with custom profile selection Selenium headless not working with custom profile selection selenium selenium

Selenium headless not working with custom profile selection

I was able to your code to run with the following option added.


Without it the code was hanging for around a minute before the following error was thrown:

WebDriverException: Message: unknown error: DevToolsActivePort file doesn't exist

Comment excerpt which pointed me to a solution:

When you send --remote-debugging-port=0 to Chrome, devtools chooses its own port and writes it to chrome::DIR_USER_DATA as a file named "DevToolsActivePort".

Basically once the port is set to something other than the default of 0 the DevToolsActivePort file does not need to be checked. The full comment and bug are here: chromedriver bug

Hope this helps!

I solved this error by closing the command prompt and reopening it in administrator mode (right-click on the cmd.exe and click Run as administrator).

Nothing else worked.