Selenium: How do I assert that a certain element is present in a certain cell of a certain table? Selenium: How do I assert that a certain element is present in a certain cell of a certain table? selenium selenium

Selenium: How do I assert that a certain element is present in a certain cell of a certain table?

You could try Selenium's getXpathCount

This will return the number of matches the xpath gets. in your case, zero would mean a fail.

Sounds like you want isElementPresent(...locator of element...). For example:

$cell = "//table[@name='tableName']//tr[".$r."]/td[".$c."]";$foundLink = $this->isElementPresent("xpath=".$cell."/a[.='".linktext."']");$foundButton = $this->isElementPresent("xpath=".$cell."/button[@type='button']");$foundImage = $this->isElementPresent("xpath=".$cell."/img[ends-with(@src='pretty-pony.gif')]");

isElementPresent() returns true if so, false if not.