Selenium is to Web UI testing as ________ is to Windows application UI testing [closed] Selenium is to Web UI testing as ________ is to Windows application UI testing [closed] selenium selenium

Selenium is to Web UI testing as ________ is to Windows application UI testing [closed]

Try FEST framework.This is what was previously known as Abbot, if I'm not mistaken. I use this for automated testing and it seems to be very simple and convenient. Simple things are made easy and complex things are not a rocket science there. I considered UISpecj4j, but it didn't suite me, because there is no technical possibility to test Drag'n'Drop while it's a must. Besides it's quite difficult to develop tests when you don't actually see what's happening (UISpec4J uses fake, invisible look'n'feel)

The only thing is making troubles in FEST (also, by design) - it grabs a mouse and doesn't let you do anything while it running a test.