Selenium Webdriver 2 with Firefox 26? Selenium Webdriver 2 with Firefox 26? selenium selenium

Selenium Webdriver 2 with Firefox 26?

Try updating selenium to 2.38.0 (latest one at the time of writing). I had something similar problem with firefox updating and then buttons not being clicked and upgrading the version solved it. Hope this solves it.

Update to selenium to 2.39.0 e.g:


I am also facing the same problem after upgrading my selenium to 2.39.0. I couldn’t solve my problem so I switched to Chrome.

Download the Chrome driver and give it the path where you invoke the browser. Then it’s easy in Chrome:

if (config.getProperty("Browser").equals("chrome")) {    System.setProperty("", "path of the chromedriver");    dri = new ChromeDriver();}