Setting up Protractor e2e tests with Bamboo CI Setting up Protractor e2e tests with Bamboo CI selenium selenium

Setting up Protractor e2e tests with Bamboo CI

This question is already a few months old, but it's still unanswered, so I try to help. ;)

I haven't tried it by myself, but there is a gulp task in bamboo. (as also mentioned here: gulp tasks execution in bamboo)task type selection: gulp

I think you have to install node.js on you bamboo server and then you can just add the gulp task to your plan and configure it for your needs.gulp configuration form

Short field description:

  • Node.js executable: should be filled if you have installed Node.js on your bamboo server, or select the correct one if you have installed multiple versions of Node.js (I haven't installed Node.js, so there is no executable available for me)
  • Gulp executable: I'm not so femiliar with gulp, but I think this default value should be correct in the most cases.
  • Task: In your case you should insert protractor here