Solve Captcha with Python Solve Captcha with Python selenium selenium

Solve Captcha with Python

I suppose you're using webdriving with Python (Selenium or similar).You should get the ANTICAPTCHA_KEY from your Anti-Captcha account. It gives acces to API to your Anti-Captcha credit.

I recommend you adding your ANTICAPTCHA_KEY to your environ. Execute the following command in shell or add the line to your bash file (.bashrc or similar)

export ANTICAPTCHA_KEY="your_key"

Your code could be like this:

import os from python3_anticaptcha import NoCaptchaTaskProxylessfrom selenium import webdriverANTICAPTCHA_KEY = os.environ["ANTICAPTCHA_KEY"]def solveCaptcha():    result = NoCaptchaTaskProxyless.NoCaptchaTaskProxyless(        anticaptcha_key=ANTICAPTCHA_KEY    ).captcha_handler(        websiteURL="",        websiteKey="6Le-wvkSAAAAAPBMRTvw0Q4Muexq9bi0DJwx_mJ-",    )    return result.get("solution").get("gRecaptchaResponse")

First, set webdriver, get the page and execute the function to assign the response to a variable.

driver = webdriver.Firefox()driver.get("")captcha_response = solveCaptcha()

You can use the following script to make the grecaptcha response box visible, so you can see if it's working.

driver.execute_script(    "arguments[0].style.display='inline'",    driver.find_element_by_xpath(        '//*[@id="g-recaptcha-response"]'    ),)

Then execute the script to insert the response into the text box:

driver.execute_script('document.getElementById("g-recaptcha-response").innerHTML = "%s"'            % captcha_response)

After that press your submit button and you'll see your success.