Speeding up Selenium Webdriver Speeding up Selenium Webdriver selenium selenium

Speeding up Selenium Webdriver

A bit late to the party but there is the phantom driver http://phantomjs.org/ which doesn't use a screen driver and can be hooked into selenium.

  ./phantomjs --webdriver=5556 --webdriver-selenium-grid-hub=http://localhost:4444

Or link it to a remote hub

This may not be directly applicable, but you can follow a few simple tips to first investigate where most of the time is spent. Look at the article below:


I guess most of these are generic steps which would apply irrespective of the tool used for testing too.

For anyone coming to this question:

Selenium tests have evolved in a lot of ways and they are running at faster speeds than before.

But in order to make your tests run much faster, use the headless mode, which does not open any windows for testing. It is available, both in chromedriver and geckodriver.