stale element reference: element is not attached to the DOM - Need to wait until element/ elements visible/enabled using SitePrism stale element reference: element is not attached to the DOM - Need to wait until element/ elements visible/enabled using SitePrism selenium selenium

stale element reference: element is not attached to the DOM - Need to wait until element/ elements visible/enabled using SitePrism

#find takes a selector type and parameters of some type, it does not take an element from the page. Since (after a quick look at the source) it doesn't appear there is anyway to access the parameters specified in your element :btn_element, ... declaration from site_prism, there is no way for you to call #find without retyping the selector. That being said there really should be no difference between the @home.wait_until_btn_element_visible and what you state you want to do since site_prism ends up calling Capybaras find with visible: true specified. The only difference is that site_prism uses its own wait timeout, so you might want to try increasing SitePrism::Waiter.default_wait_time or specifying longer wait timeout in the wait_until_xxx call
