TestSuite with testsuites and testcases TestSuite with testsuites and testcases selenium selenium

TestSuite with testsuites and testcases

You could give some additional information like the structure of your program / test cases and suites. The way I do it is define a suite() for each module. So I have say for UserServiceTest module:

def suite():    """        Gather all the tests from this module in a test suite.    """    test_suite = unittest.TestSuite()    test_suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(UserServiceTest))    return test_suiteif __name__ == "__main__":    #So you can run tests from this module individually.    unittest.main()   

Then I have a main test for each package:

def suite():"""    Gather all the tests from this package in a test suite."""    test_suite = unittest.TestSuite()    test_suite.addTest(file_tests_main.suite())    test_suite.addTest(userservice_test.suite())    return test_suiteif __name__ == "__main__":    #So you can run tests from this package individually.    TEST_RUNNER = unittest.TextTestRunner()    TEST_SUITE = suite()    TEST_RUNNER.run(TEST_SUITE)

You can do this the recursevly until the root of your project. So main test from package A will gather all module in package A + main test from subpackages of package A and so on. I was assuming you-re using unittest since you didn't give any additional details but I think this structure can be applied to other python testing frameworks as well.

Edit: Well I'm not quite sure I fully understand your problem, but from what I can understand you want to add both the suite defined in suiteFilter.py and the testcase defined in Invoice.py in the same suite? If so why not just do in a mainTest.py for example:

import unittestimport suiteFilterimport Invoicedef suite()    test_suite = unittest.TestSuite()    test_suite.addTest(suiteFilter.suite())    test_suite.addTest(unittest.makeSuite(Invoice))if __name__ == "__main__":    result = unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=2).run(suite())    sys.exit(not result.wasSuccessful())

You can add tests and suites all the same to a test_suite.