Tor Browser with RSelenium in Linux/Windows Tor Browser with RSelenium in Linux/Windows selenium selenium

Tor Browser with RSelenium in Linux/Windows

Something like the following should work:

browserP <- paste0(Sys.getenv('HOME'),"/Desktop/tor-browser_en-US/Browser/firefox")jArg <- paste0("-Dwebdriver.firefox.bin='", browserP, "'")selServ <- RSelenium::startServer(javaargs = jArg)


This worked for me on windows. Firstly run the beta version:

checkForServer(update = TRUE, beta = TRUE, rename = FALSE)

Next open a version of the tor browser manually.

library(RSelenium)browserP <- "C:/Users/john/Desktop/Tor Browser/Browser/firefox.exe"jArg <- paste0("-Dwebdriver.firefox.bin=\"", browserP, "\"")pLoc <- "C:/Users/john/Desktop/Tor Browser/Browser/TorBrowser/Data/Browser/profile.meek-http-helper/"jArg <- c(jArg, paste0("-Dwebdriver.firefox.profile=\"", pLoc, "\""))selServ <- RSelenium::startServer(javaargs = jArg)remDr <- remoteDriver(extraCapabilities = list(marionette = TRUE))remDr$open()remDr$navigate("")> remDr$getTitle()[[1]][1] "Congratulations. This browser is configured to use Tor."

This works in MacOS Sierra.

First you need to configure both the Firefox and Tor browser Manual Proxy.

Go to your Preferences>Advanced>Network>Settings

Set SOCKS Host: Port:9150 Check -> on SOCKS v5 in the browser menu bar.

You will also need to have Tor Browser open whilst running the R script in Rstudio ....otherwise you will get a message in the firefox browser "The proxy server is refusing connections"

You will also need to copy the name of your firefox profile in the script profile-name

Open Finder and got to /Users/username/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles/profile-name

My R test script

 require(RSelenium)    fprof <- getFirefoxProfile("/Users/**username**/Library/Application\ Support/Firefox/Profiles/nfqudbv2.default-1484451212373",useBase=TRUE)    remDrv <- remoteDriver( browserName = "firefox"                            , extraCapabilities = fprof)    remDrv$open()    remDrv$navigate("")

This will open an instance of the Firefox browser with the message"Congratulations. This browser is configured to use Tor."

Caveat: I have not tested extensively, but it seems to work.

Relying on some ideas from @Ashley72 but avoiding manual setups and copying (as well as now defunct functions from Rselenium needed for the solution from @jdharrison) and some ideas from adjust the following profile options (I usually adjust a number of other options, but they do not seem relevant for the question):

fprof <- makeFirefoxProfile(list(network.proxy.socks = "", # for proxy settings specify the proxy host IP  network.proxy.socks_port = 9150L, # proxy port. Last character "L" for specifying integer is very important and if not specified it will not have any impactnetwork.proxy.type = 1L, # 1 for manual and 2 for automatic configuration script. here also "L" is important    network.proxy.socks_version=5L, #ditto     network.proxy.socks_remote_dns=TRUE))

Then you start the server as usual:

rD <- rsDriver(port = 4445L, browser = "firefox", version = "latest", geckover = "latest", iedrver = NULL, phantomver = "2.1.1",               verbose = TRUE, check = TRUE, extraCapabilities = fprof) # works for selenium server: 3.3.1 and geckover: 0.15.0; Firefox: 52remDr <- rD[["client"]]remDr <- rD$clientremDr$navigate("") # should confirm tor is setupremDr$navigate("") # should confirm tor is setup

As you see, I have not made changes to the marionette option. I have no idea what the implications might be. Please comment.

EDIT: the Tor Browser has to be up and running, it seems. Otherwise, the browser opened by Rselenium gives an error "proxy server refusing connection."