Unable to perform click action in selenium python Unable to perform click action in selenium python selenium selenium

Unable to perform click action in selenium python

After some tries like .execute_script("changeTree();"), .submit(), etc, I have solved the issue by using the ActionChains class. Now, I can click in all elements that they have java-script events as onclick. The code that I have used is this:

from selenium import webdriverdriver = webdriver.Firefox()driver.get('someURL')el = driver.find_element_by_id("someid")webdriver.ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(el).click(el).perform()

I don't know if it occurred just to me or what, but I found out that I should find the element right before the key command; otherwise the script does not perform the action. I think it would be related to staling elements or something like that; anyway, thanks all for their attention.