Unable to read text from textbox using gettext() of selenium webdriver? Unable to read text from textbox using gettext() of selenium webdriver? selenium selenium

Unable to read text from textbox using gettext() of selenium webdriver?

The call to get the input text should be:


Don't ask me why, it's just the way it always has been. By typing into an input element, you are changing its value attribute.

I think Selenium is aligned to how DOM works but still, I don't think any user expect that getText will not return what is visible in the screen. Both innerHTML, and innerText return empty string so that explain why getText doesn't return anything.

I think Selenium should simplify oddities of the DOM. In other words, getText() should return what a user see in the screen, then if a use case want the real innerText, they can call other API.

In this case you should invoke getAttribute("value").

I believe getText() only returns the inner text of the element, not the inputted value.