Upload image through MacOS window with Selenium Upload image through MacOS window with Selenium selenium selenium

Upload image through MacOS window with Selenium

Disable the file picker and call sendKeys on an <input type="file"> which is by design the only type of element allowed to receive/hold a file:

# disable the OS file pickerbrowser.execute_script("""    document.addEventListener('click', function(evt) {      if (evt.target.type === 'file')        evt.preventDefault();    }, true)    """)# make an <input type="file"> availablebrowser.find_element_by_id('uploadifive-FileNameUpload')\    .click()# assign the file to the <input type="file">browser.find_element_by_css_selector('input[type=file]')\    .send_keys('path/to/MyImage.jpeg')