Using a properties file as a UI Mapping in java: Using a properties file as a UI Mapping in java: selenium selenium

Using a properties file as a UI Mapping in java:

in java, since '.' has meaning as an operator, you can't make it look exactly like their example (not sure what they were getting at). you could do something like:

setup code:

public class Config {  public static String admin_username;  static {    Properties props = ...;    admin_username = props.getProperty("admin.username");  }}

usage code:

import static Config.*;selenium.type(admin_username, "xxxxxxxx");

if you really got crazy, you could load the Config class using reflection (to remove the boilerplate in the "static" block).

Personally, I don't think it's good practise, but if you want to use it, hey, it's your call.

public class AdminUiMap {    public String username;    public UiMap(String fileName) {        Properties props = new Properties();        props.load(new FileInputStream(fileName));        this.username = props.getProperty("admin.username");    }}

Then, in your test setup, you could do

AdminUiMap admin = new AdminUiMap("");

and then you'd really write

selenium.type(admin.username, "xxxxxxxx");

The second option: see this doc. It's a pretty straightforward manual, I'll just point out the single paragraph that is specifically for Selenium RC:

For the Selenium RC, you have two options. The map file may be included in the user-extensions.js file specified at startup with the -userExtensions switch. Or, you may load it dynamically with the variant of the setUserExtensionJs command in your driver language, before the browser is started.