Using values from AppConfig file in C# Using values from AppConfig file in C# selenium selenium

Using values from AppConfig file in C#

I think a better idea is to write a wrapper class to everything that deals with configuration, especially if you write tests. A simple example might be:

public interface IConfigurationService{    string GetValue(string key);}

This approach will allow you to mock your configuration when you need it and reduce complexity

So you could proceed with:

public void SelTest(IConfigurationService config){    var selenium = new DefaultSelenium(config.GetValue("TestMachine"),        4444, config.GetValue("Browser"), config.GetValue("URL"));}

or you could inherit your configuration from a List and reduce the typing to:


Yes, you can do


As it is already a string.

If you're using ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Something"] at multiple places, you should create a static Config class, that reads your AppSettings via static properties.

You can go to the properties of the project and add Settings, then read it with: Properties.Settings.Default.Property