Wait for a modal to disappear in Selenium 2.0 Wait for a modal to disappear in Selenium 2.0 selenium selenium

Wait for a modal to disappear in Selenium 2.0

There is now default mechanism to wait for alert to appear/disappear but, we can write our own logic something like below instead of waiting for static amount of time (Thread.sleep(10000)).

waitForAlert(WebDriver driver){   int i=0;   while(i++<5)   {        try        {            Alert alert = driver.switchTo().alert();            alert.accept();            break;        }        catch(NoAlertPresentException e)        {          Thread.sleep(1000);          continue;        }   }}

even I faced this problem in FF and I came over this by using a AUI. Try to use the below code to get your alert > accept it and then continue with rest of your code/test.

Actions action = new Actions (driver);action.click(driver.findElement(By.id("locator"))).build().perform();driver.switchTo().alert().accept();// Continue with your testList<WebElement> l = driver.findElements(By.linkText("link"));