Waiting for render events with Selenium and React Waiting for render events with Selenium and React selenium selenium

Waiting for render events with Selenium and React

I have written extensive automation for a React.js application, and as you mentioned, it was a very difficult problem waiting for components to render.

There is no concrete solution that can fix every issue with this. The solution you mentioned, to wait for components to mount, is a good one. You can make it cleaner by wrapping it in with WebDriver calls so that they automatically wait for the components to mount, and you do not have to specify that code in your test cases.

Here's an idea:

public static class WebDriverExtensions(){    public static void WaitForComponents(this IWebDriver driver)    {        var wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));        wait.Until(d => js.ExecuteScript("return window.document.hasHomeMounted"));    }    public static void GoToUrl(this IWebDriver driver, string url)    {        driver.Navigate().GoToUrl(url);        driver.WaitForComponents();    }}

Then, your test case will look like:

using WebDriverExtensions;using (IWebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver()){    IJavaScriptExecutor js = (IJavaScriptExecutor)driver;    driver.GoToUrl($"{Properties.Settings.Default.ApplicationUrl}/Dashboard");    //Can do next thing....    Assert.IsTrue(true);}

If the component you are checking is constantly changing, i.e. hasHomeMounted only works on the Home page, the solution is a little uglier. You could try something that takes a component name as a parameter to check if it is mounted:

    public static void WaitForComponent(this IWebDriver driver, string componentName)    {        var wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));        wait.Until(d => js.ExecuteScript($"return window.document.has{componentName}Mounted"));    }

As I mentioned, there is no catch-all way to accomplish this, and using Thread.Sleep() everywhere is not advisable. Your solution which checks the react component mounting is a good solution.

If you do not like the above solution, here's what I specifically used to handle most of my React UI testing:

public static void WaitAndClick(this IWebDriver driver, By by){     var wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10));     wait.Until(ExpectedConditions.ElementToBeClickable(by));     driver.FindElement(by).Click();}

My issues with automating React UI involved elements taking too long to load. Most of the page would load, but the component I was trying to click would not exist sometimes. So I wrapped Click() in a WaitAndClick() method, to ensure the element is clickable before I try to perform the click. This worked for most of my cases.