<'WebDriver'>.switchTo().frame(<'frameId'>) not working with Chrome driver <'WebDriver'>.switchTo().frame(<'frameId'>) not working with Chrome driver selenium selenium

<'WebDriver'>.switchTo().frame(<'frameId'>) not working with Chrome driver

ChromeDriver supports switchTo since it implements the WebDriver Interface.It works fine for me.

You have to do it like this:

driver.switchTo().frame(driver.findElement(By.id("frameId")));//do your stuffdriver.switchTo().defaultContent();

The issue was neither with chromeDriver nor selenium. Both were running on latest versions.

chromeDriver - 23.0.1240.0

Selenium - 2.25.0

The issue was with Chrome Browser.

My browser was running on ver. 12.0.742.112.Automatic updates were failing due to -

update Server not available (error:7)

I had to uninstall & install back the browser to get it to the latest ver. 21.0.1180.89 m.

The issue is now fixed & I am able to switch between frames.

It looks like the problem not in the iframe. Error listing includes org.openqa.selenium.remote.RemoteWebElement.sendKeys(RemoteWebElement.java:87) at. So I assuming another part of your code leads to app. fail.