WebRat+Selenium WebDriver: wait for ajax to be completed WebRat+Selenium WebDriver: wait for ajax to be completed selenium selenium

WebRat+Selenium WebDriver: wait for ajax to be completed

We ended up writing a layer over selenium that handled this scenario by wrapping the calls in an optional loop. So when you'd do:

@browser.click "#my_button_id"

it would do something similar to what AutomatedTester suggested above:

class Browser  def click(locator)    wait_for_element(locator, :timeout => PAGE_EVENT_TIMEOUT)    @selenium.click(locator)  end  def wait_for_element(locator, options)    timeout = options[:timeout] || PAGE_LOAD_TIMEOUT    selenium_locator = locator.clone    expression = <<EOF       var element;      try {        element = selenium.browserbot.findElement('#{selenium_locator}');      } catch(e) {        element = null;      };      element != null;EOF    begin      selenium.wait_for_condition(expression, timeout)    rescue ::Selenium::SeleniumException      raise "Couldn't find element with locator '#{locator}' on the page: #{$!}.\nThe locator passed to selenium was '#{selenium_locator}'"    end  endend

the wrapper also did other things, like allowing to search by the button/input label etc. (so the wrapper didn't only exist for the timing issues, this was just one of the things we put in there.)

Excuse my Ruby but what you need to do is try find the object and if its not there just wait for it to come back. What the code below should do is wait loop every second for a minute trying to see if the driver can find the element with the ID idOfElement and then if it can't it should throw an error

assert !60.times{ break if (driver.find_element(:id, "idOfElement) rescue false); sleep 1 }

A separate mtd (wrapper) to check for the element with a wait should help.