Why does the Perl app 'prove' launch my scripts in parallel but not execute test cases within those scripts in parallel? Why does the Perl app 'prove' launch my scripts in parallel but not execute test cases within those scripts in parallel? selenium selenium

Why does the Perl app 'prove' launch my scripts in parallel but not execute test cases within those scripts in parallel?

I came up with a workaround, though this isn't really a solution to the root issue. I used a combo of this solutions at the Sauce Labs blog and Freddy Vega's solution here to come up with this:

#!usr/bin/perluse strict;use warnings;use File::Find::Rule;use Thread::Pool::Simple;my $count = 0;my @files = File::Find::Rule->file()    ->name( '*.t' )    ->in( 'C:\path\to\tests\' );sub worker() {    my $file = shift;    system("prove $file");    print "Executing Test: " . $file . "\n";}my $pool = Thread::Pool::Simple->new(    min =>  5,    max =>  25,    do  =>  [\&worker],);foreach my $test (@files) {    $pool->add($test);    print "Added $test to pool..\n";    $count++;}$pool->join();exit(0);