Allow agent forwarding using Cmder (ConEmu) Allow agent forwarding using Cmder (ConEmu) shell shell

Allow agent forwarding using Cmder (ConEmu)

With the following snipped the SSH key is added during the startup of Cmder and the password has only be entered once per session:

@echo offssh-agent | grep -v echo | sed -e "s/^/@set /" | sed -e "s/;.*$//" - > call.cmdcall call.cmddel call.cmdssh-add "%HOME%\.ssh\id_rsa"@echo on

Add the code to cmder/config/user-profile.cmd in the current Cmder version or to cmder/vendor/init.bat for older versions.

Edit:Newer versions of cmder have the following lines in the user-profile.cmd which does the same using git:

:: uncomment this to have the ssh agent load when cmder startscall "%GIT_INSTALL_ROOT%/cmd/start-ssh-agent.cmd"